This is a series of primary sources documenting the final years of the Avignon Empire. In this entry, a letter addressed to Emperor Renard himself by Quatre Asselin, Capitaine of the Marine Stellaire Imperiale, published on the Imperial newspaper “La Planeté”. In this letter, the soon-to-become turncoat sheds light on numerous instances of brutal misconduct undertaken by members of the Commission Spéciale de l’Ordre.

“Missive to My Old Friend”

“Your Excellency, 

Or should I say, old friend?

Many years have passed since we last spoke and, as you are a busier man than we both thought you’d become, I figured I’d deliver this missive to you in this rather…unconventional manner – in order to make sure no nosey censors could filter it out. 

I still remember, you know? You, ranting from the top bunk of the Academie’s barracks, rather displeased with the way the ever-respected and hard working people of Internal Affairs constantly scanned your family’s mail, throwing away seemingly innocent letters at a whim. No day goes by without part of me wishing we could have those days back – as, in all honesty, I quite miss your bright-eyed outlook and sharp, sharp tongue.

Unfortunately however, I am not writing this letter to reminisce about the simpler days – but to warn you, old friend, of the increasing influence of truly devious elements within the power structure of our great nation, whom I believe are exploiting the current situation to carry out ignoble acts of misconduct. 

As I have yet to see justice take hold of these delinquents who keep parading as defenders of our peace, I write this letter to out their misdeeds to the empire whole – you included, old friend – so that, were the venerable Ministry of Justice fail to convict them, the very people we have sworn to protect may at least know the truth about these thugs in officers’ clothing. What the people will do with this information is up to them, but our great Empire was founded upon the will of the people, and that I can’t and will not betray. 

So, without further ado, I accuse the following members of the Commission Spéciale de l’Ordre with carrying out 194 cumulative counts of unjustified detainment, unjustified use of force, improper conduct within military quarters, acceptance of bribes and, in one spectacularly disturbing instance, premeditated homicide under the guise of routine inspection – an instance which I will therefore refer to as “The Reuben Affair”:

– Renato Roche, CSO Commandant

– Adelphe Gagnon, CSO Commandant

– Eugene Beaufort, CSO Colonel

– Maxine Mercier, CSO Colonel

– Evrard Gauthier, CSO Colonel

– Mireio LaGrange, CSO Lieutenant-Colonel

– Freya LeClaire, CSO Lieutenant-Colonel

– Sylvie Dufort, CSO Capitaine

– Felix Tsunoda, CSO Capitaine

– Gunther Stolz, CSO Capitaine

– Vincent Rovere, CSO Lieutenant

– Philbert Jordain, CSO Sergeant

– Oskar Van Klaverfeld CSO Sous-Lieutenant 

– Frida Falken, CSO Inspecteur, Reuben Affair

– Grégore Pascal, CSO Officier, Reuben Affair

– Arthur D’Aramitz, CSO Officier, Reuben Affair

These accusations are based on a two year observation period during which my duties brought me to assist the Commission Spéciale de l’Ordre on operations against “perceived threats to the state”. Despite my lack of experience in policing duties, I could very much tell the “threat” posed by several of these subjects was more “perceived” than anything else – and further investigations, which I have conducted independently, brought to light some shocking discoveries (which I have included in this missive and I trust the editors of this lovely publication will attach to the article). 

I therefore question the reason why the Commission is not called to answer to our military’s high command, and is instead allowed to operate independently. Supposedly, they are to answer to you, my old friend, but I heavily doubt any of these scoundrel have ever “answered” for these vile acts – not to you, nor to your housemaid or anyone who would know how to contact you directly, as I’m sure you would have had them shot in mere seconds for sullying their hands with such misdeeds. That is, at least, my hope. 

Because, I won’t lie, a great fear has taken root in me for quite a while now: watching these swines in action, in fact, made me consider the possibility that you may not only know of their escapades – but that you might even tolerate or, even worse, approve of them, as a means to maintain order. 

This very idea sours my lips with bitter tears, but if that is indeed the case, I plead that Our Mother Empress’ teachings shall make you come to your senses – as, to my knowledge, she was always a woman of peace and reason.

I hope you can take time off your supremely busy schedule to respond to my missive in any way you see fit. I will be waiting with bated breath.

Your Senior Bunkmate, Quatre Asselin”

– “Missive To My Old Friend”, an open letter to Emperor Renard DeColde published to imperial newspaper “La Planéte”, 21/03/2179

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